Cancer Detection Tests
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CA 125
CA 125; is used to monitor therapy during treatment for ovarian cancer. CA-125 is also used to detect whether cancer has come back after treatment is complete. This test is sometimes used to follow high-risk women who have a family history of ovarian cancer but who do not yet have the disease. However, CA-125 testing has been shown to help detect certain ovarian cancers at an earlier stage. The rate of change in your CA-125 levels can indirectly measure the level of cancer growth.
Test code # 480061.
Price: Call with Prescription
CA 15-3CA
CA 15-3CA; 15-3 is not sensitive or specific enough to be considered useful as a tool for cancer screening. Its main use is as a tumor marker to monitor a patient. Test code # 143404.
Price: Call with Prescription
CA 27.29 Antigen
CA 27.29 Antigen; Truquant BR. This test is used to help manage patients with metastatic carcinoma of the breast. Test code #140293.
Price: Call with Prescription
PSA. The total PSA test and digital rectal exam (DRE) are ordered to screen both asymptomatic and symptomatic men for prostate cancer. Since the DRE can cause a temporary elevation in PSA, the blood is usually collected prior to performing the DRE. If either the PSA or the DRE are found to be abnormal, then the doctor may choose to follow this testing with a prostate biopsy and perhaps imaging tests, such as an ultrasound. Since the total PSA test can be elevated temporarily for a variety of reasons, a doctor may order another PSA a few weeks after the first to determine if the PSA is still elevated. Digital rectal examinations (DRE) are not performed at Labcorp facilities.
Test code #010322.
Price: Call with Prescription
Thyroglobulin Quantitative
Thyroglobulin Quantitative; Antithyroglobulin antibodies. The thyroglobulin test is primarily used as a tumor marker to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for thyroid cancer and to monitor for recurrence. Test code # 042846.
Price: Call with Prescription